Obama nicht länger Präsident – von Ghana

In „Die demokratische Talibanisierung – Ghanas Krieg gegen die Homosexualität“ schrieb ich:

Als Barak Obama 2009 auf seiner ersten Afrika-Reise als US-Präsident Ghana besuchte, titelten die Zeitungen triumphal „Welcome home!“. Eine bebilderte Publikation prahlte: „Obama! Africas gift to the world!“ Da  war er noch ihr Heilsbringer, einer der ihren. Dieses Jahr war Obama einer der Unterzeichner der UN-Resolution zur Anerkennung von Homosexualität. Das dürfte ihn die virtuelle Präsidentschaft Ghanas kosten und bislang verhält er sich auch still gegen die ghanaische Homophobie.

Das muss aktualisiert werden: Seit neuestem stellt Obamas Administration wie Großbritannien Gelder für Länder in Frage, in denen LBTG-Rechte verletzt werden. Wer wissen möchte, was Internet-Ghanaer davon halten und in welchen intellektuellen Zustand sie sich befinden, kann die 500+x Kommentare auf Ghanaweb einsehen.

Kleine Auszüge:



let Read the Bible and we will understand where every one is belonging to. Either you are HOT or COLD there is not lukewarm Position.
ANY Ghanain leader who does not stand up and speak against this abominable act if not fit to rule this country.


Rassismus und patriotisches Geheul:

…listen to this HOUSE SLAVE, africans killer obama ranting his stinking arse…. can’t touch ghana, you house slave obama… ghana, A NATION FREED FROM WHITE OPPRESSION BY NKRUMAH IS FREE FOREVAAAARR!!!

can’t tough ghana,,, you bastardized scum obama.



Would you have been born if your father were a gay? What about your prostitute mother, if she were a lesbian?


„Die Juden und die Schotten“ – Verschwörungstheorie:

There is no wonder.WE don’t need to expect any other thing than his pointing finger on Africans, and he must not forget that he is ruled by the babylonians behind the White House which was built through mystical rituals by the Scottish.I expected this man Obama to embark on African progress on technology education etc. Has he forgotten he is a black man? His grandmother from the father side is certainly shedding tears.


What about if we throw you into a village pit latrine with all the gay people in Ghana?





Kategorie „ranting elder“:

have always say it that small age presidennts have bring no good to the globe.look at what happens in libya ,after they want africans to go gay and lesbian.dam it ,ghaddafi was right.GHADDAFI GHADDAFI



You have robbed our strong productive young men for over 300 years, you have robbed our gold, timber, diamonds, bauxite, cobald,sulphur and everything burried in the african soil. The only thing we africans still have is our morality which you are trying to rob now. I will execute anyone who I have evidence to have engaged in homosexuality. If you need them, pleas bring a ship to ghana and take them away to your country.
Obama is one of the biggest Idiot in this world.


Und noch ein besonders dialektischer Standpunkt:

Homosexuality has been always considered as a taboo or a moral problem in our society. On the other hand, i think the government and the religious groups needs to do alot in combating the rising number of this homos in our society. Ofcourse thier civil right has to be respected.


Zu ergänzen bleibt die „humanistische“ Position:

Joe, you got one thing right, that they are sick or why will a man want to have sex with another man? So is discrimination the cure for their mental or physical disease?

So what do do to the heterosexual men who have anal sex with women? Shit and dirty things don’t come from women anus? Stop the homophobic bigotry and let try to help those who are willing to change. Hate is not the cure for homosexuality.

1 thoughts on “Obama nicht länger Präsident – von Ghana

  1. Pingback: Die demokratische Talibanisierung – Ghanas Krieg gegen die Homosexualität « Nichtidentisches

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