MP in Uganda bereitet Todesstrafe gegen Homosexuelle vor

Ein Gesetzesentwurf, der in Uganda zur Abstimmung im Parlament steht, will die bestehenden Gesetze gegen Homosexualität verschärfen bis hin zur Todesstrafe. Alleine der Vorschlag ist schon ein Aufruf zum Lynchmord und mehr noch, zum organisierten Massenmord.

„The death penalty is listed as punishment under an offence called aggravated homosexuality. This part of the Bill states that „repeat offenders“ of homosexuality are liable to get the death penalty. The death penalty is also applied in a homosexual relationship if a partner is under 18, or has a disability, or is HIV positive. People accused under the aggravated homosexuality clause will be forced to undergo an HIV test.“

„But the new Bill now forces people in authority to report offences to the police within 24 hours, or they themselves will face fines or up to three years in prison“

„Religious leaders from the Orthodox Church, Pentecostal Church and Islam, in appearing before the Parliamentary and Presidential Affairs Committee, say the law against homosexuality was timely, but they were opposed to the death penalty.

Reverend Canon Aaron Mwesigye Kafundizeki, the Church of Uganda provincial secretary, tells IPS: „It is an important law, but the provision related to the death penalty may prevent this law from being passed, because death should not be accepted as a punishment. Therefore propose another form of punishment instead of death.““

Zu dieser Barbarei kann man sich ja ganz individuell äußern bei folgenden Adressen: (Honorarkonsulat Bayern und Baden-Württemberg) (Brüssel) (London) (MoFA Uganda)

Deutsche Botschaft in Uganda

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